Saturday, 10 March 2012

Welcome to Amateur Radio and Communications News

James Bertram - at home in his Radio Station.

Hello and welcome to my new blog on Amateur Radio and Communications. I first became involved in Ham Radio at the age of 14 and soon had my licence and was on the air, initially as a Class “B” operator using VHF and UHF frequencies and then, after taking my 12 words per minute Morse test (CW), I obtained my Class "A" licence. My callsign is GM0GMN.

I operate on single sideband and CW and communicate with other Radio Hams worldwide. I am also involved in coordinating voluntary emergency communications for the Scottish Government. I also run the "Emergency Services Amateur Radio DX Group" on Facebook.

Amateur Radio is a hobby that changed my life and I know that it has also done that for many others. Through this blog I hope to demonstrate what the hobby is all about and what new modes are available as well as talking about technology in general. Ham Radio is not a standalone hobby. It links to a whole manner of other technologies and sciences.

I hope that you will find the hobby as life changing as I have.

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